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February 2nd 2023 Changelog

Current Theme Version: 5.20.11
Current Blocks Version: 4.7.9

The Nitty Gritty

Because this our first entry, this is going to be looooong. Here is the change log since our last update, and because there is no last update, this is the entire change log since we’ve started keeping track.

Theme Updates

## 5.20.10

NEW: Single blog posts can sidebars independently of the main blog page.

## 5.20.09

NEW: Featured Post styles for the blog, including: Wide, Full, Strips, or Uniform. Each of these styles can use the card styles: Inset, Overlay, Stretch, or Reverse.

NEW: Blog styles galore! Rather than just grid or list, you can now use Columns, Adjacent, or Magazine styles on the blog.

NEW: Added option to hide sidebar on mobile.

PLUS: All these new formats have been added to the Posts block.

DEV: Move blog template from index.php to template file to allow overriding in child theme. Break out all blog related files into templated options.

## 5.20.07

Allow buttons to be hidden on the grid.

## 5.20.06

Menu and logo height will now correctly show size change previews in customizer.

## 5.20.05

Added a customizer setting to change the desktop dropdown width.

## 5.20.03

Fix backend spacing for how the new version of WordPress handles it.

Remove link underlines on post previous/next buttons.

## 5.20.02

Remove fixed backgrounds on mobile.

Add data attribute tags for easy css hooks.

## 5.20.00

Add data property css hook for mega menu.

## 5.19.99

Fixed a bug where bottom borders on links in the body were not showing up.

## 5.19.98

Fixed z-index hover issue when a normal submenu was listed before a mega-menu.

## 5.19.97

Enable block spacing for core blocks.

## 5.19.96

Fixed the gravity forms honeypot sometimes causing massive x overflow.

## 5.19.94

Fix nav link reverse print mobile menu colors.

## 5.19.92

Changes to post meta footer to be more consistent.

## 5.19.91

Fix multiple ids for search form submit..

## 5.19.90

Fix multiple form labels for searches. FINALLY!

## 5.19.89

Fix array offset errors for missing images in the blog archives.

## 5.19.88

Fix PHP error in blog post images for edge cases.

## 5.19.86

Fix PHP warnings when there is no menu assigned in the footer.

## 5.19.85


We now only load IE compatibility scripts if we are on IE.

We now only load parallax if its enabled.

Total theme scripts on every page load from 50kb to 17kb.

## 5.19.84

Fix menu cart for reverse print headers

## 5.19.82

Remove account and cart buttons from mini cart sidebar widget.

Fix header for indicator on reverse and primary bgs.

## 5.19.81

Stop the ajax on page load.

## 5.19.79

WOO: Only do ajax if we need to. If there is no cart icon, don’t bother.

## 5.19.78

FIX: Fixed sold out items badge not being in teh center

FIX: Hollow buttons

## 5.19.77

Lead cart specific things via ajax, which will allow cacheing of non-shop pages!

## 5.19.76

Add and functionality to change the “Required” prompt for form fields that are required.

Fix index.php opening php tag when requiring the footer.

## 5.19.75

–card-darken will now respect the gray color chosen on white backgrounds, and changes to white on gray backgrounds. It works the same on any other background color.

## 5.19.74

hotfix for the word break fix!

## 5.19.73

Revamp search result page.

Update all woocommerce templates that were out of date.

## 5.19.72

Change empty links from nofollow to spans for better SEO.

## 5.19.71

Add gravity form referrer.

## 5.19.68

Added text background option to hero.

## 5.19.67

Add nofollow to empty links

## 5.19.65

Support for 6.1.1

Search page input clarity

Fixed gravity forms fields, including Date and Products

## 5.19.17

Added support for Wistia in WordPress oEmbeds.

## 5.18.77

NEW! Change your logo size on mobile or on scroll. We’ve found ourselves adding this with custom css on so many sites we decided to add it into the base theme.

NEW! Use the utility menu to display straight banner text if you’d like.

FIX! Utility nav font size is fixed for onboarder themes.

## 5.18.74

More scrolling options

## 5.18.72

Better .rs-link class

## 5.18.71

FIX: Fix mobile paragraph size getting the ‘small’ size assigned instead of the ‘mobile’ size.

## 5.18.69

Mini cart in sidebar fix.

## 5.18.66 support

## 5.18.65

Local pickup plus edits

## 5.18.64

Remove more stock card darkening, replace with site palette gray darkening.

## 5.18.63

Substantial changes to the WooCommerce dashboard, checkout, and cart pages. More consistently use theme colors.

## 5.18.60

Fix for number inputs on gravity forms.

## 5.18.59

UseInnerBlockProps smarter support for appenders. Goodbye extra dom elements!

## 5.18.58

Update permissions for bookings.

## 5.18.56

ADDED: Tailwind gap

FIX: Child card appenders

## 5.18.55

Fix mobile version of utility menu.

## 5.18.54

Fix menu overlay.

## 5.18.53

Support for grid gap.

## 5.18.52

Throttle quicklink to 2 concurrent requests.

## 5.18.49

More hover states!

## 5.18.46

NEW! Structured Lists now support both block widths AND an entirely new grid layout! Welcome to the future.

DEV NOTE: Support block level grids for structured list.

## 5.18.44

Moved structured list css from block instance to themewide css.

## 5.18.40

Quicklink redux. Better implementation of quicklink that will ignore dashboard links, ajax requests, nonces, etc.

Removed some of the notifications when our plugins are not licensed.

## 5.18.38

Add quicklink.js

## 5.18.37

Customizer accessibility and branding updates.

## 5.18.36

Simplify login

## 5.18.35

Internal style fixes for the dashboard.

## 5.18.34

More consistent use of branded colors in dashboard.

## 5.18.33

Light theme now uses blue instead of orange for active states.

## 5.18.31

Mobile dashboard.

## 5.18.30

Better UI for the dashboard.

## 5.18.29

Better layout for image placeholder in Columns.

Slider support for variable heights.

## 5.18.27

FIX! Blocks with the circle style now have the correct height

FIX! Image blocks now play nicely with column justification and alignment

## 5.18.26

Added support for the new Socials block!

## 5.18.24

Re-layout a few onboarder pages and add some guiding text to clarify things like what the street address and email entered here is actually used for.

## 5.18.23

Fixed a typo in the onboarder.

## 5.18.22

UPDATE: Bump bundled version of ACF to 5.12

New circle logo for Dirigible admin page! This behaves more in line with other icons in the editor.

## 5.18.21

NEW! Set default settings for new blog posts, including Featured Image, Title, and Meta. This way, if you find yourself changing the same settings every time on blog posts, you can just set it site-wide!

More internal font weights for Poppins.

Updated some visual elements and prompts in the Onboarder.

Fixed some customizer styles.

Fixed split scroll paddings. It will now respect sticky and non sticky menus sensibly.

## 5.18.20

Load fonts internally for dashboard.

## 5.18.18

Why should wavy background transitions be confined only to the elite admins and superadmins? We won’t stand for it! Wavy blocks for all.

We’ve fixed kses killing preserveAspectRatio for svgs.

## 5.18.17

Say goodbye to block deprecations. Fixed some crucial KSES errors that were killing blocks for non superadmins and admins.

## 5.18.09

Fix some blockquote formatting.

## 5.18.07

Better appenders, all around. Should work more like expected.

Move Columns and Column to apiVersion 2.

Move Slider to apiVersion 2

Move Timeline to apiVersion 2

Move Logos to apiVersion 2, refine funtionality

## 5.18.06

Force use of Dirigible Admin Theme

Fix inserters when no content is in Inner Blocks

## 5.18.04

New! Backend light and dark mode for Dirigible Styles

Added quick links in the dashboard to important backend functionality!

## 5.18.00

New backend style

## 5.17.99

More options for the post block.

Add a new welcome screen.

## 5.17.95

Fix some tribe event settings.

## 5.17.93

Support block icon colors.

## 5.17.92

Fix gallery styles

## 5.17.91

Fix new gallery style

Fix groups in the editor

## 5.17.90

Add block styles to groups, include WELL and BORDER

Fix separators

## 5.17.89

Block size and column support

## 5.17.88

Add support for grid inside columns

## 5.17.87

Add support for overlay gray and muted

## 5.17.86

Fix grid appenders.

## 4.17.85

Fix additional css so its correctly namespaced

## 5.17.83

NEW! Link in Bio pages and the blocks have been added!

## 5.17.82

Add support for link in bio pages and blocks.

## 5.17.81

Adds WordPress 5.9 support.

Removes temporary fix for Chrome copying and pasting.

## 5.17.79

Allow tags as a list style.

## 5.17.78

Fix some all caps stored in html on showcase template.

Allow google maps to be saved again.

## 5.17.77

Adjustment for layout-blocks not contained in background block.

## 5.17.76

Allow for meta tags that schema needs.

Fixed some editor formatting.

## 5.17.75

Fix white src rgb.

## 5.17.74

Fix alignfull footer permuations.

## 5.17.73

Fix alignwide in editor.

## 5.17.72

Hotfix for footer margin permutations

## 5.17.71

Added infrastructure to support DS Footer Plugin theme overriding.

Footer no longer has special CSS rules.

## 5.17.70

Rename header styles to be more clear.

Remove beta theme.json file that was causing errors when no child theme was used.

## 5.17.69

Temporary Fix for Google Chrome adding random meta tags and killing post

editing. This was a fucking doozey.

Support for WooCommerce 6.1

Move licensing init to admin.

Bump up bundled ACF version to most recent!!

## 5.17.67

Add CSS support for default select box in customizer.

## 5.17.66

Revamp tools page.

## 5.17.64

Add relative page dots for flickity.

## 5.17.63

Fix Sticky split scroll

## 5.17.62

Add classes for body, display, and alt fonts.

Add styles to headings for body, display, and alt fonts.

## 5.17.61

Add product add-ons support for Bookings Today page.

## 5.17.60

Fix woocommerce admin on bookings page.

Ensure line wrap works on bookings today page.

## 5.17.59

Fix bookings empty posts handler.

## 5.17.58

Add manage_bookings to manager role.

## 5.17.57

Add pseudo styles to headings.

## 5.17.56

Move bookings today from page to subpage under ‘Bookings’.

## 5.17.55

Order link on Bookings Today page now goes to correct url.

## 5.17.54

Update bookings format

## 5.17.53

Fix php 7.4 error

Update bookings format

## 5.17.51

Better display for bookings in customer dashboard

New ‘Bookings Today’ page for admin users to see all the bookings taking place today.

## 5.17.50

Fix search results pages with less than 3 results

## 5.17.49

Drops support for the old ACF version of the gallery altogether.

Change ACF blocks to use templates rather than callbacks.

## 5.17.48

Add space-y-block

## 5.17.47

Adds breadcrumb template support, as well as some fixes for manifest.

## 5.17.46

Fix: Correctly minify CSS for theme variables. No longer removes spaces inside of quotations.

## 5.17.45

Alignwide in the block editor now 56rem.

## 5.17.44

### Updates / User Notes

NEWL Menu buttons! Visit Customizer>Header>Button to set a custom menu button for your header. There’s no longer any need to mess around with arcane classes in the WordPress menu editor.

NEW: Stacked menu style! This shows the logo on one line and the menu underneath it.

IMPROVED: Nav item spacing is now a setting in Customizer>Header>Appearance and no longer relies on the padding style in Customizer>Styles>Nav.

IMPROVED: All nav and utility nav heights to Header in customizer. These work more reliably and calculate correctly for full-height headers.

NEW: Allow you to choose menu breakpoint in customizer

NEW: Choose footer social icon sizes.

NEW: Woo Product Category widget is now supported.

NEW: Nav Link padding is a new feature in Customizer>Styles>Nav that allows you to adjust the click area for nav links. If a nav link has a background color on hover, this will now also determine the size of that background as it will fill the padded space.

### Fixes / Dev Notes

There are too many fixes to count, but notably:

FIX: Menu item edge cases should be resolved. No longer will there be phantom padding or disappearing padding on the menu edges.

NEW: Styles added in Customizer > Additional CSS will now attempt show in the block editor. Note: the block editor DOM markup can be different from the frontend, in which case the styles will not properly appear. Should mostly work for core blocks.

IMPROVED: Moved cart AJAX to a template, making it much more reliable.

IMPROVED: Menu templating has been overhauled and should be much easier to understand.

IMPROVED: Customizer previews work more reliably! Phantom elements are now inserted when things are disabled in the customizer (like the menu cart), which gives them a DOM hook to pop in again when they are then enabled.

IMPROVED: Menu hooks for customizer are fixed, so multiple copies of the menu don’t get added when you change something. This not only makes customizer faster, but also fixes the stacked accent border problem whenever anything was changed.

IMPROVED: Menu height is no longer tied to nav link height, making it much more flexible.


## 4.7.9

Allow timelines inside columns.

## 4.7.8

New timeline layout: Uniform

Also transitioned the timeline to use the new InnerBlockProps component, cutting the backend CSS in half.

## 4.7.7

Allow video galley in grid

## 4.7.6

Adds a spacing option to grids

## 4.7.5

Adds option to hide button on grids

## 4.7.3

Remove link underlines in Logos block.

## 4.7.2

Disabled lazy loading for fixed image backgrounds.

## 4.7.1

Fix photo feature editor.

## 4.6.95

Add background fallbacks to photo features and background blocks to ensure ADA contrast compliance.

## 4.6.94

Allow post title in columns.

## 4.6.71

NEW BLOCK! The CTA block has been added.

NEW BLOCK! The Site Embed block has been added.

## 4.6.62

NEW! Landing Page block.

## 4.6.57

Fix tags

## 4.6.55

NEW BLOCK! Media Callout

## 4.6.53

Build process overhaul, no more insane

## 4.6.50

Page block fixes.

## 4.6.45

Add migration for column block.

## 4.6.44

Deprecate Logo save

## 4.6.42

Fix initial logo size.

## 4.6.41

Massively improved logos block!

## 4.6.38

FIX: Slider appender is no correct.

## 4.6.37

Fix columns starting state

## 4.6.35

Deprecate Post Title

## 4.6.34

Jostle Post Title

## 4.6.33

NEW! Grid Gap and Image Links come to the grid block.

## 4.6.31

Moved controls for the Columns block right into the controls rather than the block sidebar. This should make for less context switching for users.

Moved Columns to the native Block Alignment Matrix tool.

## 4.6.30

New Grid layout for structured lists.

## 4.6.29

Removed inline CSS from structured lists, moved them over to theme CSS.

## 4.6.28

UPDATE: Grids can now be placed in FAQ.

## 4.6.27

FIXED: Hero video bg fallbacks show up correctly in the editor.

CHANGED: Hero sliders will now change height.

## 4.6.26

Fixed some bugs in Link in bio

## 4.6.25

Fix socials src issue!

## 4.6.24

Allow the new Social block in Columns and Blocks.

## 4.6.23

NEW! Added the new Social block that will display your sitewide socials anywhere you’d like!

## 4.6.18

Fix error with link in bio child.

## 4.6.17

Fix multiline P tags in quote.

## 4.6.16

Fix the new quote block. Accounts for all blockquote styles.

## 4.6.14

New Quote block! Eventually this will take the place of both the large and small quote.

Allow DS Quotes in columns.

## 4.6.10

Goodbye, source files in releases!

## 4.6.08

Better appenders, all around. Should work more like expected.

Move Columns and Column to apiVersion 2.

Move Slider to apiVersion 2

Move Timeline to apiVersion 2

Move Logos to apiVersion 2, refine funtionality

## 4.6.05

Add block icon colors in the editor to differentiate between our blocks.

## 4.6.04

Add support for more content types in columns.

Add more column size options

## 4.6.03

Add support for grid inside columns

## 4.6.02

Add muted and gray to bg overlay.

## 4.6.01

NEW! Link in Bio pages and the blocks have been added!

## 4.5.97


## 4.9.95

Move licensing init to admin.

## 4.5.94

Fix structured list child css bug.

## 4.5.93

Revert flickty cdn change

## 4.5.92

Load flickity from cdn.

## 4.5.90

### Focal Point Selection

Gone are the 9-point background image origin selectors. Say hello to the new focal point selector for background images. Now you can select exactly the point in the image you’d like to to remain in very no matter what size the viewport is. Blocks with this new and improved pattern include:

– Hero

– Photo Feature

– Yearbook

– Timeline

– Small Quote (For Headshots)

– Large Quote (For Headshots)

– Quote Blocks (Headshots and BG Image)

– Dirigible Blocks

– Grids (for image cards)


– Comparison Tables

– Backgrounds

### Background Transitions are now VH!

The background block’s transitions are pretty cool, but since they were in pixels if you set it to be the right height on desktop the transitions were way too large on mobile, and if you set them for mobile they were way too small on desktop.

Now the transitions units are in VW rather than PX, which means it will take up a percentage of the viewport height. This means it should look great on any viewport size.

### Block Editor Sidebar

The block editor sidebar now works a little more intuitively when selecting background images. Now, when an image is set by the block editor, a button appears to remove it and you’ll be presented with the focal point picker.