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March 17, 2023 Feature Roundup

Current Theme Version: 5.20.52
Current Blocks Version: 4.7.11

The Nitty Gritty

Theme Changelog

## 5.20.52

Moved event calendar css to the block itself.

## 5.20.50

NEW: Added soundcloud to socials

## 5.20.49

NEW: GDPR Banners are finally here!

UPDATE: Reposition Customizer Header and Footer settings so so there’s less bopping around – Appearance settings are all now consolidated under Appearance.

## 5.20.48

FIX: Fix sticky header button text color in circumstances where the hero is seamless and gets reverse print applied, but is not reverse print on scroll.

## 5.20.47

FIX: Fixed sanitizer errors for popup toggles

FIX: Fixed border radius for popup when sites have very large values for button border radius.

## 5.20.46

Support for DS Products plugin.

## 5.20.45

Added aria accessibility tags to search labels.

## 5.20.44

Better checkboxes!

## 5.20.43

New version of woo product add-ons.

## 5.20.42

Fix for WooCommerce product add-ons.

## 5.20.41

Fix sanitizer for popup text fields.

## 5.20.40

Fix Gallery block widths.

## 5.20.39

Fixed styles for multisite user registration. Also fixed some of the random WordPress user interaction pages, they should be more consistent now.

## 5.20.38

Fix sanitizer for blog card Read More link text field.

## 5.20.37

Add gutter src declaration for rs-gutter class.

Block Changelog

No changes were made to the blocks plugin.