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Here’s a quick intro to editing pages on Dirigible in the Gutenberg editor! Enjoy!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing basic site editing tasks using the Gutenberg block editor in WordPress on Dirigible:

  1. Log into the backend of your site. This is where you’ll control various aspects of your site.
  2. Navigate to “Pages” and click on “Add New” to create a new page.
  3. Enter a title for your new page, such as “Super Cool New Page.”
  4. Delete the existing content by removing the buttons, paragraph, and heading. Clear the background to start with a blank page.
  5. Edit the hero block by clicking on it or using the content bar on the side. Replace the headline with your desired text, such as “Our Super Cool New Page.”
  6. Scroll down to find the gray box that indicates a new block can be added. Click the plus button to add a block or type “/” to search for a specific block. In this case, add a heading block by typing “/heading.”
  7. Customize the heading block by giving it a name, such as “Our Super Cool Heading.”
  8. Add content below the heading block. You can add a paragraph by typing “/paragraph” or use the plus button to search for and add a block. Write a brief description of your page’s purpose.
  9. To add a button, type “/buttons” or use the plus button to search for the block. Modify the button text, such as “Our Cool Button.”
  10. To link the button, click the link icon and enter the desired URL, like “” Press enter to create the link.
  11. If you want an inline link in the paragraph, highlight the text and click the link icon. Enter the URL, such as “” Press enter to create the link.
  12. Preview the page to see the changes you made.
  13. To update the links, return to the editor and click the edit button on the link. Modify the URL and click update.
  14. Once you’re satisfied with the changes, publish the page.

By following these steps, you can perform basic site editing tasks using the Gutenberg block editor in WordPress on Dirigible.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.