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Adding social media links

You can define your social handles in the Customizer. By defining them here, you can easily display them in your Header, Footer, Utility Bar, or anywhere on your site using our Socials block. When you update your social media here, your social links will update any place they are displayed.

You’ll find the social media settings under AppearanceCustomizeSettingsSocial Media. All you have to do is enter your handle, the link will be populated automatically.

In order to display your social media, you’ll have to enable the respective setting in the Customizer. The settings can be found at the following places:

Header: AppearanceCustomizeHeader & Menus DesktopShow Socials
Footer: Always Shown
Utility Nav: AppearanceCustomizeHeader & Menus Utility Nav Social Media

To display your social media on a page, you can use the Socials block. From there, you can change the alignment, size, and color of the icons. Happy editing!