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Set Your Homepage in WordPress

Your homepage is the first impression your viewers get of you and your business–it is the first page your visitors will see, so you want to make a good impression! A good homepage grabs people’s  attention, while also clearly communicating what your website and business is all about. 

Most WordPress themes make your default homepage your most recent blog post. This can be an issue if you don’t have a blog or that’s really not the first thing you want your visitors to see. You might have even deleted your homepage and now WordPress has again set it to the default blog page. Or maybe you want your landing page to highlight an event or reflect the season. There are many reasons and benefits to having a set homepage, and here’s how to do it.

How do I change/set my Homepage in WordPress?

  • In the Dashboard, go to Settings > Reading
  • To set a specific page as your homepage, make sure A static page option is selected in the Your homepage displays section.
  • In the Homepage drop down menu select one of your published pages to be your homepage.
  • Lastly, click Save Changes.