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How to Use the Hero Block

introducing your website pages just got easier! The Hero is the first element that users set their eyes on once they land on your page. Think of this special block as the “first impression” section of your website! 

Dirigible’s Hero Block is a versatile and seamless addition to your website building goals. It allows you to display eye-catching imagery with text. There’s also plenty of options to display the Hero Block vertically and horizontally – you can edit these features any way you want! 

Learn how to build a captivating website using our Hero Block.

Steps to Adding a Hero Block: 

  1. Click on the + icon to add a new block to your page
  2. Type in “Hero” to find the Hero
  3. Select Hero

Now that you have opened up a Hero Block, you can edit its four different content fields: Headline, Subheadline, Button, and Logo. You can edit these inline or in the block editor on the right. 

Click on our knowledge base post to learn more about how to maximize your Hero’s features! 

We hope that this tutorial will help you leave a lasting impression on your users when they visit your website!