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  1. Posts


Posts block

Display your posts anywhere, any way.


The Posts block is an expanded version of the core Latest Posts block. The block pulls from your posts and can be filtered by category. You can change the markup of your posts using the block editor sidebar. The post defaults to be similar in appearance to the Grid block, but you can change the appearance in the Block’s Sidebar Settings under Display.

These posts are generated dynamically from the content and data associated with each. Because of this, this block is not editable inline and so the block editor sidebar handles all the customization options.

Posts are displayed

Choosing a category for blog posts.


Selecting a category in the sidebar will filter the posts. Selecting more than one category will show posts in either category, not posts that are in both categories.

If no categories are checked, the block will show posts from all categories.


The Rows field is set at 3 posts per row, but you control the total number of rows that the block will display.

Three posts per row

Three posts per row.

Content Fields

You can control which pieces of content you’d like to display with the content toggles. Disable Excerpt takes out the excerpt of each post to give you a cleaner look.

Show Image, Show Date, Show Categories, and Show Link are all simple toggles that turn on or off their respective data display.

Both the Featured Image and Link will link to the post, so we recommend at least having one or the other. You can change both the Link Style and Link Text in the sidebar.


When Show Image is enabled, the post’s featured image will be displayed above the post text. The featured image is cropped to the golden ratio, 1 to 1.62. If the post has no featured image, a placeholder will display in its place.

A post with a featured image.

A post with a featured image.

Auto generated featured images.

A post without a featured image.

We recommend giving all of your posts a featured image. If many of your posts don’t have a featured image, it may be worth toggling Show Image off.
